
Monday, December 29, 2014

Vanilla Coffee Creamer

I love coffee but I LOVE IT with a hint of vanilla. 
My downfall has always been those horrible store bought vanilla coffee creamers. Chalk full of I don't even know how to spell or pronounce the stuff. SO BAD. I stopped buying them all together, and when I make Bullet Proof Coffee I do not miss it at all. But some days I want variety and I don't want BFC. 

So today was one of those days. I wanted my gross coffee creamer bad.I decided to play around and made my own Vanilla Coffee Creamer. And it was AWESOME!

I got it perfect the first try. Why I have never made my own before now I do not know. Why I have never looked on Pinterest is beyond me! I'm sure there are a gazillion DIY healthy Vanilla Coffee Creamer recipes out there. But for now, I am happy with what I created. 

First off I always use Half and Half in my tea and coffee. FULL FAT Half and Half! Don't ever drink low fat or non fat dairy. The process of removing the fat is no good for you. That is a discussion for another day. The TBS of real half and half will not make you fat. Get over that thinking already.
Secondly, always buy organic ingredients when possible. Your health is worth it! We need to eat clean as much as possible. You can make your own vanilla by boiling down a vanilla bean but I found organic Vanilla Extract is perfect for this.
Then lastly, instead of sugar I use honey. It adds a creamy nutty flavor you don't get with sugar. Plus is better for you! CHA CHING! Honey has antioxidant and cleansing properties for your body. Also, if you buy local organic honey to your area, it helps subdue your allergies. 
  • 1.5 Tbs Half and Half
  • 2 pinches or 1 dash of Vanilla Extract
  • 1 full tsp Honey or to taste
  • 1 big ol cup of joe

Add Vanilla, Honey and Cream to cup and stir. Add HOT coffee and stir some more!
ENJOY!!  Use less or minus of the ingredient to your liking. But all you need are these 3 ingredients and no more. As my son would say, "Easy Peasy"!
 This is MY perfect cup of vanilla coffee. 
*Don't miss a recipe or post! Make sure you are on my email list. ADD EMAIL.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Eucalyptus Bath Salts

What's better than taking a long hot bath and relaxing? Having soothing, relaxing bath salts that actually help your body! Chemical and preservative free is just the extra bonus. This is the EASIEST DIY project ever! And so worth it. 3 ingredients, and it takes all of 5 minutes to make. 
Forget spending $15.00 at Bath and Body works! 
This is better, cheaper and healing.

  1. Epson salts help relax your sore muscles, reduce any swelling and draws out toxins.
  2. Baking soda soothes your skin.
  3. Eucalyptus essential oil reminds me of the spa! And I love the spa! It's such a luxurious relaxing scent and it is one of my favorites. You may use any scent you enjoy most.

  • 2 Cup Epsom Salt 
  • 3 Tablespoon Baking Soda 
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil 
  • Mix salt and soda in a large bowl. 
  • Add Eucalyptus oil per your preference. Start with a few drops until you find the smell you desire. 
  • Stir well. 
  • Funnel into a bottle or any jar you choose.

This makes for an excellent gift idea as well. Inexpensive, healthy and luxurious.

    *Don't miss a recipe or post! Make sure you are on my email list. ADD EMAIL.

    Monday, December 15, 2014

    Dijon Vinaigrette

    One of my favorite foods EVER is a good ol salad.
     I really could eat one every day. So many options you can't get bored. However the thing with salads is, you can ruin the nutritional value by using high fat, high calorie processed dressing. Most of the time when you order a salad out in a restaurant you will be getting a salad higher in fat and calories than if you ordered a hamburger! It's crazy. You need to have an arsenal of home made dressing recipes on hand for each of your moods. 
    This one is a great versatile dressing for any kind of salad. Add this to a great pasta salad, or drizzled over sautéed or steamed veggies! It's a PERFECT addition!
    MMMMMMMM I am getting hungry!

    • 3 TBS Red Wine Vinegar
    • 3 TBS Fresh Lemon Juice
    • 2.5 TBS Dijon Mustard
    • 2 Cloves of chopped garlic
    • 1/4 tsp of Pink Himalayan Salt
    • 1/4 tsp of Black Pepper
    • 5 TBS Exta-Virgin Olive Oil
     Mix Vinegar, Lemon Juice, Mustard, Garlic, Salt and Pepper in a small bowl; whisk.
    Slowly add oil while whisking; Mixing well.
    You can store left over dressing in an air tight container in the refrigerator. 

    *Don't miss a recipe or post! Make sure you are on my email list. ADD EMAIL

    Wednesday, December 3, 2014

    Roasted Garbanzo Beans

    Healthy snacking at its finest! I was a little wary about this snack when my friend started talking about it. But after seeing how much she loved them, I had to give it a try on my own. I found a yummy starter recipe on and revised it to my liking.
    L O V E    A T   1 S T   B I T E
    These are crunchy pieces full of flavor. 
    I happen to add a lot of salt to make them even more cravable. MMMMM
    All of a sudden I am seeing these sold at grocery stores everywhere. So with all the hype why not make your own? Healthier, cleaner, cheaper and you can make them the flavor YOU prefer. All in 30 minutes. 
    Makes: 4 servings, 1/4 cup each

    • 1 15-ounce can Organic Garbanzo Beans, rinsed
    • 1 tbs Ghee, melted Or extra virgin olive oil
    • 2 tsp ground cumin
    • 1/4 tsp ground allspice
    • 1/2 tsp Pink Himalayan salt
    • Preheat to 450°F.
    • Rinse garbanzo beans clean and blot dry. 

    • In a small bowl, add Garbanzo beans, melted Ghee, cumin, allspice and salt. Toss gently coating beans. 
    • Place beans on a rimmed baking sheet in the oven on an upper rack. Not top rack. 
    • Stir gently every 10 minutes. This will insure all beans are browned and crunchy. 
    • Bake about 25 to 30 minutes. 
    • Cool baking sheet for 5 minutes and ENJOY!
    • Cover and store at room temperature for up to 2 days.
    *Don't miss a recipe or post! Make sure you are on my email list. ADD EMAIL

    Sunday, November 30, 2014

    The Cure All Elixir

    It's that time of year... 
    EVERYONE is sick around us. My poor son is getting sick every other week at preschool. I need to do everything possible to keep myself healthy. This elixir is the CURE ALL! As soon as you start feeling down, make this. Make a big batch and sip it all day.  It may taste a little harsh at first but you start to enjoy it and your body wants it. It is incredibley amazing for your body. 3 SUPER ingredients to kick the bug out of your body!

    Everyone know about gingers digestive benefits. Helps sooth an upset stomach and gas. We have always been given a ginerale when we are nausous to help. However modern research has revealed that ginger possesses numerous therapeutic properties including antioxidant effects, an ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds, and direct anti-inflammatory effects.


    Besides fighting off vampires, Garlic is extremleey helpful with Cardiovascular Benefits, Anti-Inflammatory Benefits Across Body Systems, Antibacterial and Antiviral Benefits, as well as Cancer Prevention and Iron Metabolism. PHEW!

    A lime has similar if not the same benefits as Lemon. Which we all adore. So why not use some lime! They have Phytonutrients with Antioxidant and Antibiotic Effects, Support Optimal Health and Protection against Rheumatoid Arthritis. 

    Im telling you, this elixir is a win win. We should be drinking a shot a day even when we are not sick! Here is how to make this Cure All!

    • 1 piece of ginger about the size of your hand. Skinned as much as possible and cubed. (About 1.5 cups)
    • 2 Heads of Garlic- Peeled and chopped (about 15 cloves)
    • 3 Limes cut into large cubes skin on
    • 12 cups of water
    • Honey to taste
    • In a large pot, add Water, Ginger, Garlic, and Limes. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 45- 60 minutes. (The longer the better but the less you will have.) This will boil down to about 4 cups.
    •  Strain out all ingredients and pour liquid only into a jug. Add honey to taste. Without the honey it will be very hot and spicey. The honey tones it down. Drink warm small shots all day long. As much as you can. Store unused in regerator. Warm each shot before you drink it. 
    You will start feeling better within the hour I'm telling you! It will give you a little energy and spunk while you are feeling down. 
    Enjoy and stay healthy my friends.

    *Don't miss a recipe or post! Make sure you are on my email list. ADD EMAIL

    Monday, November 24, 2014

    Persimmon Fruit


    This is one of my families favorite snacks. We are a happy family when these are in season. Which is November through February. When looking to buy this mild and sweet fruit, make sure to buy the non-astringent persimmon, like Fuyu (Fuyugaki), Gosho/Giant Fuyu/O'Gosho, Imoto, Izu, Jiro, Maekawajiro, Okugosho, Suruga. These are my personal favorite and are eaten while crispy, like apples. OMG heaven!!!! My 5 yr old Begs for them! 
    Persimmons not only taste amazing but they have amazing health benefits. You need to take advantage while you can this winter. Something different is a good delicious thing in life.

    They are a true SUPER FOOD!

    -They are high in calories (70+ calories) but very low in fats. 

    -It's a very good source of dietary fiber. 100 g of fresh fruit contains 9.5% of recommended daily intake of fiber.

    -They contain important anti-tumor, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic (prevents bleeding from small blood vessels)

    -They contain vitamin-A, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, zea-xanthin and cryptoxanthin. Together, these compounds functions as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals that play a role in aging and various disease processes.

    -They are a good source of vitamin-C, another powerful antioxidant. Eating foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.

    -They contain many B-complex vitamins such as folic acid, pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), thiamin...etc. These vitamins act as co-factors for numerous metabolic enzymatic functions in the body. 

    -They also contain healthy amounts of minerals like potassium, manganese (15% of DRI), copper (12% of DRI), and phosphorus.

    -PHEW! So get them while you can! Seek them out at your local farmers markets and grocery stores before the season ends. They are Beautiful inside and out!!

    Besides eating them raw, there are MANY amazing recipes you can try using them. Here is a wonderful recipe to try from

    Persimmon and Goat Cheese Salad

    Serves 4
    • cups mixed greens, any style
    • Fuyu persimmon, diced 
    • small apple, diced 
    • 1/2 cup soft goat cheese, crumbled
    • tablespoons sliced almonds, toasted
    • tablespoons tangerine juice
    • tablespoons olive oil
    • 1/2 teaspoon dijon mustard
    • pinch salt 
    • dashes pepper

    1. Place the greens in a salad bowl and top with the fruits and goat cheese. In a small bowl, whisk tangerine juice, mustard, salt and pepper. Whisk in olive oil in a small stream. Adjust to taste. combine with greens and toss. Sprinkle almonds over all. Serve.   
    2. *Don't miss a recipe or post! Make sure you are on my email list. ADD EMAIL

    Thursday, November 20, 2014

    Baking Bacon

    What did we do before Pinterest? I mean really!? How did we discover cool new things to try, arts and craft ideas and how to bake Bacon!!! For real Baking Bacon! 
     I Love bacon but I ABHORE cooking it. It gets grease everywhere, it smells up the entire house, (that may or may not be a bad thing), and removing the grease from the pan is always a pain. When I saw this article from Center Cut Cook I thought my oven would be splashed with grease and it would cause my house to smoke up. But oh how I was wrong! It was the perfect way to cook bacon. NO MESS! NO FUSS! And like the Center Cut Cook said, you don't have to baby sit it!

    Discover, the best way to make perfect bacon!

    • Hormon Free, Antibiotic Free Sliced Bacon 
    • Maple Syrup ( optional )
    • Line a baking sheet with tin foil. Make a small rim on the edges of the foil.
    • Arrange the bacon in single layers. 
    • Place the tray of bacon in a cold oven. 
    • After bacon is in the oven, turn oven to 400 degrees. Bake until the bacon is cooked to your preference. Around 20 minutes give or take.  Pending on how thick your bacon is, the time will vary. Thin bacon cooks faster than thick. 
    • When the bacon is to your liking and crispy, place bacon on a paper towel lined plate and softly pat grease off. 
    • WALLA!

    To make an extra special batch of bacon, drizzle some maple syrup on the bacon before you cook it! OMG! To die for!

    *Don't miss a recipe or post! Make sure you are on my email list. ADD EMAIL

    Monday, November 10, 2014

    Warm Lemon Water with Pink Himalayan Salt and Cayenne Pepper

    Do you have a ritual to start your day?
    I have one morning ritual that I do every day before anything else. I drink a cup of warm lemon water with Pink Himalayan salt and cayenne pepper. 
    Now, I know some of you are saying EWW WHAT? But its great, really! It is not salty or hot as you only add a dash of the pink salt and cayenne. It tastes more like warm lemon water with a tiny kick. (I add more cayenne than most.)
    I had been drinking lemon water with Himalayan salt for a few years but I only started adding Cayenne pepper a little over a year ago. I read an article from "The Food Babe" and she wrote about all the wonderful benefits adding cayenne pepper has for you. 

    Here's the low down:
    Drinking warm lemon water with Pink Himalayan salt and Cayenne Pepper first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, AND making this part of your daily routine you will reap amazing health benefits. Just think how great you will feel getting sick less, feeling lighter, having clearer skin, more energy and giving yourself a boost in your metabolism that leads to weight loss over time.

    The Food Babe stated; "Doing this ritual every morning provides a super stimulant to the liver, your main detoxing organ in the body. Your liver will release uric acid and create bile to safely eliminate environmental and lifestyle toxins that would otherwise be trapped in your digestive system longer. Remember keeping your liver and digestive system clean and in optimal condition will help your body prevent diseases like cancer in the future. Combining cayenne with lemon increases the detoxing effect and raises the temperature of your body increasing your metabolism."

    How and why does this have so many benefits? 
    Well, Pink Himalayan salt is NOT your average table salt. 
    It has not been refined like table salt. In fact, it's in your best interest to eliminate regular table salt from your home and diet all together. Sodium Chloride, AKA table salt, is a super refined, processed "salt" that has no nutrients. 
    Pink Himalayan salt on the other hand has 80 + minerals and elements our body needs. It's a SUPER SALT! Creating an electrolyte balance in your body.
    • INCREASES hydration instead of depriving you from it.
    • Regulates water content both inside and outside of cells.
    • Has a balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and helps to reduce acid reflux.
    • Prevents muscle cramping. This is a real help for me. I get calf cramps in the middle of the night.
    • Aids in proper metabolism functioning.
    • Helps strengthen bones.
    • Lowers blood pressure.
    • Helps the intestines absorb nutrients.
    • Prevent goiters.
    • Improves circulation.
    • Dissolves and eliminates sediment to remove toxins.
    And we all know how amazing Lemons are. 
    I wont go into too much detail about the benefits of lemons as we all know how nutrients rich they are. We have been told our entire life to have lemon water and honey when we are sick. But beside cold and flu remedy they also give our bodies an abundance of other benefits:
    • Combat caner
    • Maintain healthy complexions
    • Prevent asthma
    • Increase iron absorption
    • Boost your immune system
    This drink is WINNING with these 2 ingredients alone!

    But now lets talk about Cayenne Pepper.

    Cayenne is a powerful ingredient with many uses. It's widely known for cleansing and detoxifying. It stimulates circulation and neutralize acidity. It's also used as a remedy to help all kinds of ailments:
    • Anti-Cold and Flu Agent
    • Anti-Fungal Properties
    • Migraine Headache Prevention
    • Anti-Allergen
    • Digestive Aid
    • Useful for Blood Clots
    • Detox Support
    • Joint-Pain Reliever
    • Anti-Bacterial Properties
    • Possible Anti-Cancer Agent
    • Supports Weight Loss
    • Promotes Heart-Health
    Basically, drinking this combination will help cleanse your body every single day safely and naturally. All in one small 8oz cup. 

    I plan to do it for the rest of my life. I absolutely love it! Give it a try for a week and see how you feel. 

    *Don't miss a recipe or post! Make sure you are on my email list. ADD EMAIL

    Saturday, November 8, 2014

    Overnight Apple Cinnamon Refrigerator Oatmeal

    Okay okay I know I already have a recipe for refrigerator oatmeal posted, but I created a new and improved one for my clean eating group. FYI, If you want to join one of my free 5 Day clean Eating groups just friend me here and I can add you. They are always fun plus you will get a weeks of recipes for free!

     IT'S DA BOMB! 
    I like this recipe even better. This is the joy I get from experimenting in the kitchen and winging it. I enjoy reading a recipe once, then making it my own. It's the only way for me. I can NEVER stick to someone else's recipe entirely. I use them for inspiration. Unless it's baking of course. I suck at baking. I'm a wanna be baker. But baking is like chemistry. IT MUST BE RIGHT!  I hope you use my recipes for inspiration and make them your own as well.
    Overnight Apple Cinnamon Refrigerator Oatmeal 

    Makes 2 large servings.
    Total time 12+ hours
    • 1/2 cup rolled dry oats
    • 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk
    • 3/4 cup plain greek yogurt
    • 1 tbs Chia seeds
    • 1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
    • couple dashes of Cinnamon
    • 1/2 of small apple chopped
    • 1/2 banana chopped
    • 5 walnuts chopped
    • 2 tsp Pure maple syrup or honey. *Liquid Stevia is a great no calorie option. Only 2 drops would be needed. 

    Make this the night before. 
    Add oats in medium bowl. Add milk, yogurt, chia seeds, vanilla, cinnamon, all but a tbs of chopped apple, banana, walnuts and sweetener of choice. Mix well. Add the remaining apple and sprinkle with cinnamon again. Cover tightly with saran wrap or a jar with lid and place in refrigerator overnight. 

    Good morning!
    *Don't miss a recipe or post! Make sure you are on my email list. ADD EMAIL

    Monday, October 27, 2014

    Afraid of Brussels Sprouts?

    Afraid of Brussels Sprouts?
    DONT BE!
    I know we all have this deep connotation that Brussel Sprouts are bitter, stinky and gross. Something we all have had in the back of our minds since childhood. But that just isn't the case! When cooked right, they are wonderful! They are also LOADED with vitamin A, folacin, potassium, calcium. They have 3-5 grams of fiber per cup, and at 25 calories per 1/2 cup cooked, they give us a reason to eat them more often. Brussels sprouts are one of those foods that will fill you up, without filling you out. 
    They are fabulous!

    Brussels sprouts are also seriously rich in vitamin C, another anti-cancer agent. One thing is certain: You will be getting a good-for-the-body food that is high in protein and low in fat and calories. With that, I will leave you with the amazingly simple delicious recipe for:
    -Sautéed Ribbony Brussel Sprouts-

    • 2 oz Pancetta (optional)
    • 3 tbs Ghee
    • 1/2 + cup sliced red onion
    • 1 Tbs fresh Thyme, If you use dry use tsp
    • 1 Tbs chopped garlic
    • 2 lb. Brussels Sprouts
    • 2 tbs water
    • 1 tbs + red wine vinegar


    • In a large pan, cook Pancetta over medium until they become clear. About 2 minutes.
    • Melt ghee and add onion and thyme; cook until translucent, 3-5 mins. 
    • Add garlic and cook until fragrant about 30 seconds. 
    • Add Brussels sprouts and season with Pink Himalayan salt and pepper to taste. 
    • Add water, cover and cook sprouts until tender about 5 minutes. 
    • Stir in vinegar and serve warm.

    You wont be disappointed. 

    *Don't miss a recipe or post! Make sure you are on my email list. ADD EMAIL