
Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Power of Sunflower Seeds

These salty-crunchy babies are my favorite snack right now. 

Sunflower seeds!

The Power of Sunflower!

Did you know that just a 1/4 cup of seeds gives you half of your daily vitamin E, which of course keeps your heart healthy, your skin and hair looking great, and fights infection throughout the entire body by neutralizing free radicals.

They also are known to reduce the symptoms of asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as the risk of complications due to diabetes. WELL ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! GIMME SOME OF THOSE!

And to top them off, because they are full of phytosterols, they also reduce high cholesterol levels, build up the immune system and decrease risk of certain cancers. TRIPLE SCORE!

I love having them straight up, but adding a teaspoon or so into my salads brings the salad to a new level.

YUM! Eat up friends!
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Pink Himalayan Salt

Hi, My name is Moksha, and I am a saltaholic. For real!
 I always have been. 

I love salt and I crave it. Sometimes, I need to just take a few crystals and eat them. It relieves my craving for salty, carb ridden food. I'm telling you this because I ONLY do this with Pink Himalayan salt. Nothing else! Well, unless i'm eating pretzels...... I do it with bad pretzel salt too.

Pink salt is it is NOT your average table salt! It has not been refined like table salt. In fact, it's in your best interest to get rid of regular table salt from your home and diet all together. Sodium Chloride, AKA table salt, is a super refined, processed "salt" that has no nutrients. It's just bad for you.

Pink Himalayan salt on the other hand has 80 + minerals and elements our body needs. It's a SUPER SALT! Creating an electrolyte balance in your body.

This super salt:

-INCREASES hydration instead of depriving you from it.
-Regulates water content both inside and outside of cells.
-Has a balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and helps to reduce acid reflux.
-Prevents muscle cramping. (This is a real help for me. I get calf cramps in the middle of the night.)
-Aids in proper metabolism functioning.
-Helps strengthen bones.
-Lowers blood pressure.
-Helps the intestines absorb nutrients.
-Prevent goiters.
-Improves circulation.
-Dissolves and eliminates sediment to remove toxins.

Now, i'm not telling you to just eat salt like I do once in a while. It's not healthy to have too much of anything. But I am telling you to make the switch to Pink Salt and remove the refined table salt from your diet where possible. 

The good news is, you can buy Pink salt almost everywhere now. Even Wallmart, Target, Bed Bath and Beyon, Home Good Store, Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Ralphs, Vons, Gelsons, Pavillions.... the list goes on. Just keep an eye out for it. And stock up!

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