
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Lunchbox heaven

Monday through Friday I take a picture of what I make my Kindergartener for lunch. I started doing this for me, to see what works, what he likes and dislikes. Once I started sharing the lunches I got a lot of questions from other parents for help and ideas on what to pack their kids for lunch. Keep them on the healthy trail. Keep them eating.

 I'm not going to lie. It takes effort. But our kids are worth it right? Fortunately I do not have a picky eater. I have always just made him what I make for myself. I have never made separate meals for him. Luckily he will try anything. If he doesn't like it, I will not make him eat it. This has made sure meal time is never a fight. And his palate has grown. Forget about kids meals he shares my meal at restaurants no matter what it is. He actually ENJOYS having a big fat salad for dinner. He LOVES stinky delicious cheeses, trying new veggies and fruits that he's never seen from the grocery store. His favorite meal is Bratwurst, roasted Broccoli with brown rice. I am truly lucky I know.  He also loves to watch Chopped and Master Chef. Which makes my heart happy! My little foodie in the making. 

However, I am a true believer that if you start out feeding them healthy, they will enjoy healthy foods. If you start out giving them hot dogs and mac and cheese, while you eat your veggies and fish, well, that's what their taste buds will gravitate to. Not that we don't enjoy some Mac and cheese now an again. I mean come on! We live it up to and don't restrict anything. Well, food dye! We do restrict all food dye. But that's another post.

I also believe that variety is the spice of life. Which may have bit me in the butt a little? Now, if I only have 2 things on his plate for any meal he will ask me, "M-o-m.... Is this it? I want a side".  So, you know, the expectations are now already set in his head. Just like if he was only feed a certain type of food his whole life. But again, I know I'm so very lucky that he is not a picky eater.

Here are a few of our favorite lunches. The lunchbox is the bomb! Planet Box is Eco friendly, and lives up to the price tag! It's the best one out there by far in my opinion. (I really need to get a commission for referrals!)   :) 

I hope you enjoy and find some ideas that your kids will like. With a little effort and time, we all can keep our kids on the healthy trail at school.

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