Saturday, January 17, 2015

Lip Exfoliator

I Don't know about you but my lips are crazy dry during this time of year. With the cold outside, dry heat inside. I can't seem to keep them from hurting. I love this lip exfoliator because...

  1. It's all organic
  2. It's made with edible ingredients
  3. It's yummy
It gives you back soft lips!

  •  1 pt Brown Sugar
  •  1 pt Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  •  1 pt Creamed Honey

(regular honey would work just as well)


  •  Mix all 3 ingredients together.
  •  Rub softly onto lips for about 30 seconds. Even corners. 
  •  Let it sit for another minute soaking in a moisturizing.
  •  Rub off damp wet towel.

BAM! Nice soft kissable lips. 

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