I love coffee but I LOVE IT with a hint of vanilla.
My downfall has always been those horrible store bought vanilla coffee creamers. Chalk full of I don't even know how to spell or pronounce the stuff. SO BAD. I stopped buying them all together, and when I make Bullet Proof Coffee I do not miss it at all. But some days I want variety and I don't want BFC.
So today was one of those days. I wanted my gross coffee creamer bad.I decided to play around and made my own Vanilla Coffee Creamer. And it was AWESOME!
I got it perfect the first try. Why I have never made my own before now I do not know. Why I have never looked on Pinterest is beyond me! I'm sure there are a gazillion DIY healthy Vanilla Coffee Creamer recipes out there. But for now, I am happy with what I created.
Secondly, always buy organic ingredients when possible. Your health is worth it! We need to eat clean as much as possible. You can make your own vanilla by boiling down a vanilla bean but I found organic Vanilla Extract is perfect for this.
Then lastly, instead of sugar I use honey. It adds a creamy nutty flavor you don't get with sugar. Plus is better for you! CHA CHING! Honey has antioxidant and cleansing properties for your body. Also, if you buy local organic honey to your area, it helps subdue your allergies.
- 1.5 Tbs Half and Half
- 2 pinches or 1 dash of Vanilla Extract
- 1 full tsp Honey or to taste
- 1 big ol cup of joe

Add Vanilla, Honey and Cream to cup and stir. Add HOT coffee and stir some more!
ENJOY!! Use less or minus of the ingredient to your liking. But all you need are these 3 ingredients and no more. As my son would say, "Easy Peasy"!
*Don't miss a recipe or post! Make sure you are on my email list. ADD EMAIL.
You've just inspired me to take this creamer, dust my coffee with turmeric, ginger and cinnamon and make a healthy, yummy chai coffee.