"My Shakeology Story"
My Shakeology story is a different one. It's not about massive weight loss as it is for many, I didn't have a ton to shed when I started. I was the skinny fat person at the time. But I had health issues that stemmed from my gut, digestion and allergies.
For 6 years I suffered from extreme Benign Paroxysmal Positional Veritgo (BPPV). I saw numerous DRS, had MRIS and had exhausted all my avenues so I though. The only thing DRS could do for me was prescribe Anti Dizzy meds or Valium which I wouldn't take. Once I had my son, the vertigo worsened. Maybe from the lack of sleep, poor sporadic eating habits of being a new busy mom, I don't know? But I could barely take care of my son at times. I was vomiting from being so dizzy, I couldn't see because everything was spinning, I couldnt walk a lot of the time. Ugh just writing this is brining back visions. ACK.
Finally, mother decided to take me to an acupuncturist at my worst moment. As I was crying sitting on his table, he forced me to lay down and I quickely started getting extremely dizzy, the room started spinning. He immediately stuck his hands into my stomach and he stopped the spinning! It was truly miraculous! He told me that my digestion was completely messed up and going haywire. My digestion wasn't working properly and it was creating this back log of swelling and allergies. He told me my issues stemmed from a few things. First I ate too fast, I needed to chew my food 50 times! Second, I needed to cut out all proceed food and go all organic and hormone free. Third, only eat fruits and veg that are in season. And finally to only drink room temp water.
Changing my diet per his instructions, eating clean and drinking some gnarly chinese herbs to help the digestion changed my life. I felt normal again! It slowly took 3 months of my body to clear itself out with these strict rules but I have been vertigo free ever since.
Now here is where Shakeology came into play. Once I was able to stop the herbs and I felt good enough to try working out, I ordered my first Challenge pack "10 MinutesTrainer" which came with 1 month of Shakeology. I was very wary about Shakelogy as I was afraid it was TOO processed and it had to have some unhealthy ingredients to preserve it. However I wanted to give it a try as I LOVE shakes and I couldn't pass on the deal. Who doesn't love a great deal right?
Much to my surprised, starting Shakeology once a day made my digestion even better! Everything moves so to speak. I don't take any vitamin supplements because I get everything I need from Shakeology and a healthy diet. I have energy each morning. I lost 5 lbs that I was never able to loose and I felt GOOD! Turns out this stuff was packed with 70+ super ingredients and no junk at all. It was the best thing I could have started doing for myself. I only wish I has started a year before when my freind introduced me to it. When I don't have my shake, I feel the difference. I don't have that little extra step, the extra spunk and I get tired easily. I have a major sweet tooth and having a shake each day curbs it throughout the day.
Another bonus was my husband started drinking the shakes with me. He was on Chinese herbs and prescription meds for his IBS. Once he started with Shakeology he was able to stop ALL prescription IBS meds! And he was able to stop drinking the Chinese herbs which were about $500.00 a month! He now drinks Shakeology every day with me and feels better than ever. Every time we have an unhealthy weekend, he requests it first thing once we get home.
Shakeology has been so beneficial in my families lives, my friends lives and my teams lives. With all the amazing benefits and success I have had drinking it, I know you will have success using it as well. Weather you are trying to loose weight, aid your digestion, or just feel better. Message me and we can discuss your options for trying Shakeology and bettering your life as well.
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Strawberry Berry Shakeology |
-1 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk or Coconut milk
-1/4 of mixed organic frozen berries
Shakeology Q & A
What IS Shakeology?Shakeology is a comprehensive nutritional shake that provides a wide variety of healthy nutrients in a low-calorie formula. Whether you use it as a meal replacement for weight loss or simply to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs for optimal health, Shakeology takes the guesswork out of nutrition!
Is it a protein shake?
Yes...and no! While Shakeology has a high quality protein component it is far more than that. Shakeology has over 70 greens, fruits and veggies-that's the nutritional equivalent to FIVE plates of salad in each serving! Now don't get me wrong, I love a good salad, but FIVE a day, EVERY day??? I just know that no matter how good that might be for me I just couldn't keep up with it! Shakeology makes it very easy to get all the vital nutrients you need while still controlling calories. Truth be told, the majority of people are WAY MORE nutrient deficient, than they are Protein deficient. So why just stop at a protein shake?
Are the macronutrients 'better' than the shake I'm already drinking?
A lot of people look at just 3 things on a label: the protein, carbs and fats. There is WAY more to reading a label than that! As long as the protein, carbs and fats are in an acceptable RANGE, what you REALLY need to look at is the The quality of all the OTHER ingredients, where they come from and what they do for your internal health on a cellular level. You also need to be on the lookout for what is NOT on the label! Shakeology has no artificial colors, sweeteners, flavors, preservatives, stimulants or soy. When comparing labels, be sure to look at the BIG PICTURE!
Isn't it better to eat whole foods?
Yes! That's why Shakeology IS a whole food! Unlike many “processed fake” foods, each of Shakeology's super foods has a unique way of being “preserved”. It’s a very difficult process to dry a food out enough that it can be ground and stored in a bag, but not so much that it’s precious nutritional enzymes are killed and eliminating it's nutritional value. Each ingredient in Shakeology undergoes this careful process so that you get all the benefits of the whole food nutrition, without the hassle and expense of importing and consuming all 70 ingredients and juicing them every day!
Isn't Shakeology really expensive??
Anyone who thinks Shakeology is expensive simply does not understand it's REAL VALUE. In a day and age where it costs $5 for a cup of coffee, most people would agree that paying $4 for a complete and comprehensive nutritional meal like Shakeology is a BARGAIN. Remember too that Shakeology also includes all of the daily vitamins for a typical adult (or child), so you are getting that as well!
Now granted, most of us do not buy an entire month's groceries at one time, so when you multiply the daily cost of shakeology out it can seem like a lot. BUT, when you consider that Shakeology is REPLACING one of those meals you'd need to purchase from the grocery store (or restaurant, or fast food place) I actually deduct my monthly Shakeology from my grocery budget. Its literally the least expensive AND the most dense nutritious daily meal my family consumes. For the price, I can not duplicate its number of high quality ingredients and nutrients.
Isn't Shakeology just for people who need to lose weight?
Definitely not! Remember, Shakeology is a NUTRITIONAL shake that EVERYONE can benefit from! So while it CAN be an extremely valuable tool for those looking to lose weight, it's just as valuable a tool for those looking to boost their immune system, regain energy, recovery from illness or even GAIN weight! Shakeology is about HEALTH. When you put the RIGHT nutrients in your body that it needs to develop, heal, recover, repair and thrive, you will ultimately have MORE energy, LESS cravings, and FEEL better there fore you eat less and become more active.
Shakeology is the FOUNDATION from which ANYONE, young or old, weak or strong, too heavy or too light can build optimal health. Shakeology is about DENSE NUTRITION so you can use it as your meal base and add clean calories to it making it a 300 calorie, 500 calorie or even more! Lets face it, not everyone needs to lose weight, but every needs to be healthier!
Ok...it sounds pretty great! How do I get some?
There are several ways for you to start using Shakeology! Simply choose the one that's right for you, message me, and it'll be on it's way!- Option 1: Try a 4 serving SAMPLE PACK of Shakeology! You'll get either 4 single servings of the Whey based Shakeology in 4 delicious flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry and Greenberry OR you can choose the super smooth Vegan formula and receive 2 Vegan Chocolate and 2 Vegan Tropical flavors!
- Option 2: Go all in! Order either a 24 day single serving supply OR a 30 day bulk bag supply of Shakeology! The single serving option gives you the added benefit of convenient single serving packets AND the opportunity to combine flavors in different combinations! The 30 day bags can be set to alternate flavors, so don't feel like you'll be locked in! With the free 'home direct' option, your shipping is free regardless of the order you choose, so cool!
- Option 3: Get the Shakeology of your choice PLUS a complete FREE dvd based workout program PLUS free shipping! Ask me about which programs are currently available for the free add-on!
- Option 4: Get everything included in Option 3 PLUS save 25% on ALL your future orders (that includes ANYTHING you might want in the future..programs, products, supplements...everything!!)
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